Cancellation & Returns or Replacements

Cancellation & Return Policy in General

Cancellation Policy

An order once placed and confirmed by the user is not entitled to be cancelled.

Refunds can be requested if the following conditions apply to at least any one of the following:

  1. Product/products found to be physically damaged. 
  2. Different from the ordered product 
  3. Description on the detail page not matching with Product received. 

Note:  A refund will be initiated after due verification by a personnel from the backend team of RLC or seller.

Replacement can be requested if the following conditions apply to at least any one of the following:

  1. Product/products found to be physically damaged. 
  2. Different from the ordered product 
  3. Description on the detail page not matching with Product received. 

Note:  A replacement will be initiated after due verification by a personnel from the backend team of RLC or Seller.

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